WISE: How to Cite WISE Materials

We are pleased that you are using our materials and we appreciate your citation. You may need to edit these examples to comply with the style of the journal to which you are submitting.

Here is an example citation for a page with no author listed.

Sampling distribution of the mean tutorial. Claremont Graduate University, Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE), from https://wise.cgu.edu/sdmmod/index.asp (accessed January 10, 2016).

Here is an example for a tutorial written by the WISE team.

Healy, M. R., Berger, D. E., Aberson, C. L., Saw, A., & Romero, V. L. (2003). A web-based computer program for determining group classification. Claremont Graduate University, Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE), from https://wise.cgu.edu/util/ (accessed January 10, 2016).

Last revised: March 20, 2016
