For Students

Google and YouTube are your friends – you can find information and explanations (much of excellent quality) on virtually any topic of interest. The links here are to sites supported by teachers of statistics.

The Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics
This website contains statistical simulations and Hyperstat, an online text book.
Khan Academy
This site includes thousands of short video presentations (about 10-12 minutes) on a wide range of topics in science and mathematics, including more than 100 on statistics and probability.
Online Statistics Course Materials
Jasmine Parker has compiled links to materials for online courses in statistics and other subjects. This link will take you directly to the statistics courses page.
Statistics Hell
This quirky site includes many useful explanations, with humor that may amuse, annoy, or offend.
Karl Wuensch’s Statistical Help Page
Vast number of links to statistics resources, including discussions of specific topics
David Howell’s Statistical Homepage
An author of popular statistics textbooks, Howell offers data sets, exercises, archived discussion lists, lists of errors, and examples that correspond with the texts. The resources may be used independent of the texts.
Choosing the Right Statistical Test
A table depicting guidelines for choosing the appropriate statistical test based upon factors such as the nature of independent and dependent variables.  Includes links to guides on how to conduct the corresponding test in SAS, Stata, and SPSS.
College-level booklets on many statistical topics
David Garson provides .pdf and/or Kindle versions of papers on a wide range of statistical topics. Many of the papers are free for registered users, though the Kindle versions are not
