The Normal Distribution:Why is the normal distribution so important when real distributions are rarely (never?) normal? This video explores characteristics of the normal distribution with a bit of history and some fun facts. | |
Sampling Distribution: An interactive applet is used to demonstrate the sampling distribution of the mean and how it is related to sample size and the population distribution. |
Confidence Interval Game: This video demonstrates a common misinterpretation of confidence intervals and a game to help users improve their accuracy in interpreting confidence intervals. |
Confidence Interval Creation: An interactive applet is used to demonstrate creation and interpretation of confidence intervals. Users of the applet can manipulate the shape of the population distribution, sample size, and level of confidence. |
Introduction to Bootstrapping: How does bootstrapping work? Why is it useful? This video uses an interactive applet to demonstrate the logic of bootstrapping, and construction of confidence intervals for non-normal distributions. |
Pearson’s Chi-Square Test: This video introduces Pearson’s chi-square test, including background, logic, and applications. |
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